Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Opening Ceremony SAS- Dec. 2, 2012-Hershey PA

Dr. Angela Duckworth - PENN- 
notes from Dr. Reitz and I
Achievement - is it a mater or talent or effort?
How can we get kids to try harder?
See slides on energies of man- Men don't differ- only their worh ethic does...
Saw clip on Will Smith's treadmill - the will not be out-worked.  Defintion of effort
Darwin agreed with Galton (Eminence)in that zeal and hard work are what define achievement 
Deliberate practice - focused practice at edge of ability - using feeback to grow and with repetition.  We make mistakes, we';re confused, we're frustrated, and feedback may not be immediate.  Many people not comfortable with this, but this is what it takes to acheive.
Argued that in order to become expert or professional at anything requires 10 years of practice - 4 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Pluralistic ignorance - when everyone thinks the same about something that is wrong because nothing is questioned
10,000 Hour Rule... Martha GrahamGRIT - stamina and focused effort on goals
Essentially - kids need to learnt o fail and know how to get back up again in order to begin acquiring grit.
BEAST barracks at West Point - 1st year no grades, but many dropped out.  Study showed that those who were the most gritty remained and didn't drop out.  
Woody Allen- 80 percent of the battle "Showin up is really more than half the battle" - being gritty adds even more potential for achievement
Gritty people are doers and finishers
Teach for America - study observed when you measure grit, it is predictable.  Happier teachers are better teachers.  Optimistic teachers are better teachers.  For example, when something bad happens... does a person catastrophize or find a solution or silver lining?  
"Kids that don't skin their knees never learn to get up"Effort - see slide on this
Confusion is prevalent emotuon of learning 
Kids need to learn self-control using the "angry bird" metaphor
Stress - research on tis is when children undergoes a life event, impulsive behavior occurs more.  They decrease in self control and even classroom level can view this.
Delayed Gratification- To increase self - control:  rely on reminders that encoourage and remind them of goals; psycholoically distance oneself from the an angry thought or memory; replay it instead as it unfolds as it should in the third person (marshmallow study).
These thigns can reduce angry memory so you can process information.  
Goal setting and planning - make a plan to take action
Strategies, then, need to becoem habits - (William James - 1899)
If we measure it, we treasure it.
Are there gritty schools?  Culturally, schools might be gritty can embrace it and ma have gritty leaders and teachers.
Negative feedback is really hard for most
To counter, leadership has to make it known that it is NOT OK for teachers to screw up - to fail is to learn. 
Wharton - businesses learn to grow from making mistakes - that is why calculated risks are to be encouraged
Feedback needs to be as imemdiate as possible in order for learning to occur - to actually be OK with having made a mistake 

Thursday, December 06, 2012 4:20 PM
#Implementation of Act 82---
Educator effectiveness
-2013-14 into effect for teachers
-2014-15 for supervisors
-Mandating an evaluation form
-Implementing with fidelity requires time. It needs to be differentiated supervision model
#Charlotte Danielson....state adopted her framework and state will probably increase its rigor also...
-The bar is too low and needs to be raised for both teachers and principals
-There is a need to assess quality assurance --robust, valid and reliable...
-Promote professional learning
-What are we trying to accomplish?
+Disillusion of teacher practice....we need to move the curve
-defining effective teaching
#Two basic approaches
-teachers practice
-results, that is, what teachers ACCOMPLISH, typically how well their students learn
-need to analyze student work
What do we really need in the observation process?
-Clear and validated definition of teaching "the what"
-Instruments and procedures of the "how"
---Behind the scenes worth too...interaction with parents etc
----Observers must be trained and certified evaluators
-need professional dev for teachersntomalsomunderstandnhow they are evaluated
Rethinking Teacher Evaluation in Chicago
The Widget Effect meets MET
Also study in Pittsburgh

-Connections to student achievement: Students showed the greatest growth in test scores in the classrooms where teachers received the highest ratings on the Danielson Framework, and students showed the least growth in classrooms where teachers received the lowest ratings.
-This is especially important for teachers in non-tested grades and subjects – a major focus of recent evaluation design work – since it suggests we can accurately measure those teachers’ impact on students using effective observation tools.
-Agreement in ratings: Principals and trained observers who watched the same lesson consistently gave the teacher the same ratings; crucially, they were most likely to agree on unsatisfactory practice, suggesting these ratings can be used to identify low-performing teachers.
Educators liked the new system: Consortium researchers found high levels of educator satisfaction and buy-in, with the majority of teachers indicating it was more effective than their current evaluation system. Teachers were positive about the Danielson Framework, the conferences they had using the Framework, and the potential for this evaluation system to improve their instruction.
-Training, training, training: The report shows how important effective training is to ensure that principals rate teachers consistently.. Fair, consistent ratings are not simply a function of the observation tool; rather, they are an outgrowth of a system that includes training, ongoing support, and methods for measuring principal consistency (for instance, through the use of independent observers).
-Promoting instructional improvement: The Framework offers details on what kinds of practices separate outstanding teaching from less effective teaching, and provides guidance on how teachers can improve their practice. Teachers and principals believed the Framework and teacher evaluation system could promote instructional improvement.
-Focus on principals: While the majority of principals were positive about the evaluation system in Chicago, principals still have much to learn about how to coach teachers effectively

The complexity of Teaching -Lee Shulman
4 domains
Planning and prep, instruction, professionalism, environment

The Framework for Teaching second edition

Observation - teacher highlights notes


School district of Lancaster uses Marzano framework

What when how and why

Descriptive narrative and specific

#Keystone Exams
Transition to keystones from the PSSA

Class of 2017. Current 8th graders
Proficiency as determined by school, charter school, voc tech or cyber or cyber charter
Chapter 4 still requires
July 1. 2013 full implementation of common core and address alignment to PSSA

Chronological Perspective (page 6)

Project-Based Assessment (PBA)

+Student not proficient on one of modules they only need to take that module but the score is based on overall score of entire exam and therefore in best interest of the student to take entire Keystone.

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